Install and activate customized process packages

All standard process packages are installed as part of the WorkZone Process installation. You activate and deactivate standard packages using WorkZone Configurator. To install and activate additional customized process packages, you must run the program Scanjour.Process.PackageLoader.exe. This program is part of the WorkZone Process installation.

After installation, the Package Loader program is located here: ..\KMD\WorkZone\Process\Bin.

The minimal syntax of the command line is:

Scanjour.Process.PackageLoader.exe /uri:<uri> /package:<package>

The specified package will be loaded into the database that is identified by the /uri parameter.

Required parameters

Depending on the authentication method used, you need to specify either Windows or OAuth specific parameters.

Parameters Description

Windows authentication



The WorkZone Content Server URI where WorkZone Process is installed.


The name of the package to be loaded.

OAuth authentication



The WorkZone Content Server URI where WorkZone Process is installed.


The name of the package to be loaded.


The OAuth server URI.


The WorkZone Process client Id (WZP).


The WorkZone Process client secret.

Optional parameters

Optional parameters apply to both Windows and OAuth authentication.

Parameters Description

Windows credentials of the WorkZone user by which the package will be loaded.


The name of the Windows account to be used for accessing WorkZone Content Server.


The name of the realm (domain or computer) that the account belongs to.


The password required for the account authentication.


The relative path to the OData endpoint that will be used for loading the package data.


If the package is related to a feature in the Version table, this argument can disable this feature by default.


If the package is related to a feature in the Version table, this argument can enable this feature by default.


Shows help information and exit.

Example: Windows authentication

Scanjour.Process.PackageLoader.exe /uri:https://db01 /package:MinisterialServices.wzp

Scanjour.Process.PackageLoader.exe /uri:https://db01 /package:Package.wzp /credentials:admin@domain/password

Scanjour.Process.PackageLoader.exe /uri:https://db01 /package:Package.wzp /odatapath:/odata/v3

Scanjour.Process.PackageLoader.exe /uri:https://db01 /package:Package.wzp /defaultdisabled

Scanjour.Process.PackageLoader.exe /uri:https://db01 /package:Package.wzp /defaultenabled

The copy image is missing

Example: OAuth authentication

Scanjour.Process.PackageLoader.exe /uri:https://db01 /package:Basis.wzp /oauth_server_uri:https://db01/oauth2 /ouath_client_id:WZP /oauth_client_secret:secret

The copy image is missing

Important: After deploying a new package, you must either restart IIS or recycle the WzpSvc application pool on all relevant web servers.

Display customized process packages in WorkZone Configurator

You can display customized process packages on the Feature settings page in WorkZone Configurator, so that an administrator can activate or deactivate packages in the same way as standard packages.

To display packages, you need to specify the following elements in the <PackageDefinition> section of the package.xml file:

  • <FeatureName> — The name of the process package.
  • <ParentFeatureName> — Adds the process package under this node on the Feature settings page. For example, <ParentFeatureName>PROCESS</ParentFeatureName> adds the package below the WorkZone Process node.
  • <FeatureSelectable> — J or N specifies if the package can be activated.
  • <PackageDefaultEnabled> — J eller N specifies if the package will be installed by default on a new installation.

See Activate process packages and Feature settings in the WorkZone Configurator Administrator's Guide.